Saturday, May 18, 2013

My First Blog

Hi, I'm Riley!
     I'm seven months old and I came from the shelter. I'm a mutt. Well, mostly black lab (that was Mom, a labrador) and we don't know what Dad was, so I'm pretty much a mutt. Well, let me tell you about me. I have three sisters (Claire, Julia, and Kasey), a mom and dad (they are longpaws, or as they call themselves, "humans"), six longpaw cousins on Mom's side of the family: Sydney, Kaitlin, Emily, Jackson, Sarah, and Alex. I also have a cousin of my own kind: Daisy. You know, she has a blog too, come to think of it. I'll have to post pictures of my family later. I've never met Daisy, but I love her! Here's how to get to her blog:


Pleeeeeeease go check it out!!! Well here's some of my family:

This is my beagle cousin, Daisy. She's the one with the blog.
Now I'll post a picture of my longpaw cousins:
 Left to Right: Sarah (my cousin), Claire (my sister), and Jackson (my cousin)
 Left to Right: Claire again, then my cousins Kaitlin, Sydney, and Emily
And Sarah and Jackson's brother, Alex! He is 6.
Well, I'll post more later, but I have to go take a nap in the frong hallway. I can already feel myself meeeeelting........ Please check out Daisy's blog though! And thanks for checking out mine!
~Riley the Mutt

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